Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can anybody pls advise me how can i stop watching bad stuff on internet (porn) ?

i dont want to watch but i end up watching one day or the other.But after that i hate myself for that moment.Can anybody pls advise me how can i stop watching bad stuff on internet (porn) ?
Hiya Hello,

I know only too well were you are coming from.

I know too that, despite not wanting to, you are like a moth fatally attracted to a naked flame.

The advice here is ok, but you already knew that right?

Ask any obese, ( fat), person about a good diet, and they will give you any ammount of them.

They know they are overweight, but they simply can't help themselves, and after that food/drink they know they shouldn't have had, they hate themselves afterwards... just like you and your peepshow.

You really have to want to have the real thing, and then the porn will take a backseat in your mind from then on.

I know Hello, that you are driven, and therefore you should make your target to meet a lovely member of the opposite sex.

How are you gonna manage that?

I bet you beat yourself up about it, but you have very little confidence don't you?

You also have a poor self image don't you?

Sit down with a pad and pen, and write down all your strengths... we all have them.... even you... go on hop to it.

Now I want you to spend a week at a time, yes a week, developing those strengths until you are a much better person to talk to, and be with.

It is your quest... set a target and work towards it!

You don't want to end up a dirty old man with no friends but plenty of smutty secrets do you?

Of course you don't.. so come on then... make a start, and list down your good points... take time out for you, because you are a great person, if only you realised it.

Here's wishing you all the best, and I sincerely pray for much success along the way of your life's journey.Can anybody pls advise me how can i stop watching bad stuff on internet (porn) ?
Hello, there is an easy answer, but it will take serious effort on your end. First, like Cinderella gone wild suggested, give your heart to God.

Second, you will want to read God鈥檚 Word, the book of Romans to be specific and learn how once you become saved you are no longer a victim to sin, but you can choose differently. You can choose your thoughts and even what you watch on TV and the internet. This is a process, one that you can accomplish in a day or in a few months. Just don鈥檛 give up %26amp; don鈥檛 be down on yourself if you back slide.

When the urge come, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you overcome the temptation and log off the internet, find something else to do. Go run or exercise, read the Bible, get out of the house!
How to avoid porn addiction on the Internet

1. Consider installing porn content filtering software( Strongly Recommend NetDog ,you can get it from ) on your computer. it will help to protect you from stumbling into pornography by accident, That's important.

2. Do not try to guess what the address of a Web page is. Many pornographic sites have similar addresses of respectable sites. For example www . whitehouse . com is a porn site. The real address is www. whitehouse . gov

3. Never click on Web site addresses that you receive in an unsolicited email.

4. Do not open attachments that come in email that are unsolicited.

5. Use filtered search engines or reputable directories to find the information you need.

6. Do not search for terms like girls. Think before you enter a search term.

Stick with reputable sites.

If something looks questionable, don't let curiosity get the best of you. Delete it or close the window.

Internet Porn Filter Software Resource :
everytime you want to go there , remind yourself of how bad you feel afterwards not to mention that porn sites are monitored by fbi and cops etc so you should think of what a nightmare your life will become if you ever god forbid do something and they go overboard,as the law often does and look up where you have been on your computer and you get labelled as a pervert or arrested in a sting operation. go out and make friends and get off the computer.pray to god and ask him to help you.remeber to pray and ask things in Jesus's name.
Are you seeking out violent porn? or kiddie porn? If then, you have a problem and should see professional help. If you are not and it isn't running your life, then it isn't a big deal. Masterbation isn't evil. It's natural. It's only a problem if you are doing that in spite of other things in your life.
You're doing something completely normal. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. You've been brought up to think so, and therefor you feel guilty. That's a result of bad parenting, it has nothing to do with you.

So, keep doing what you're doing. If it starts keeping you from normal social behaviours (like going out with your friends, etc.) THEN it's a problem that should be addressed.
You're well on your way to stopping that behavior by posing this question. It all comes down to your will-power. You have to stop doing it and that's that. You can setup rules about using the internet and how much time you use the computer, etc... Good Luck.
Just show some will power.

Put some parental controls on your computer. Pretend your parents are home and you may get caught. Go running or run errands or do something productive instead.

Play games instead like Family Feud or Wheel of Fortune online. Or just stay on Yahoo Answers.
Try to find the reason you are watching it in the first place. What draws you to it? Channel that into another healthy hobby or outlet.

Everything in moderation.
its called a girlfriend

or, the best way in my opinion is to just walk away and do something else

go watch tv, or a movie

go somewhere

do something to keep your mind off of sex
watch that stuff for whole day for next five days... i bet that on sixth day onwards you may not go for that stuff for at least next one year. It may look strange but it will work.
i have the same problem, i just close the page if i begin looking. You will fell a small boost of power like the porn doesnt own you.
Just block the porn websites. Why you hate yourself?, you don't have the blame of who you are, it's natural.
stop going on the computer. and if you have to urge to do it think about your parents or something that will turn you off.
get a GF/BF (whichever you're into) and GET LAID...geez

or just buy DVD's so you don't get a virus on your computer LOL
That really sounds like a personal problem

But they do have sex addicts anonymous groups if you really need support.

put a picture of someone you know would not want you looking at such things, and picture that they stare at you while you are online.(such as family member, or friend)
If you deprive yourself of something your always going to enjoy, then it still controls you.

Moderation is the key.
either watch only good stuff or change your idea on whats bad stuff...Ay ....there are parental locks available if you want to lock yourself up and be your own parent.
Just find something else to entertain you. Try playing computer games or something.
Why would you hate yourself for watching porn??? I watch it, I admit it, and I certainly don't feel bad.

Give yourself a break
its a long ritual you must shave your head with a cheese grater while chewing on tinfoil and dancing on thumbtacks. Do this every time you are tempted
ok so either just dont watch it or block the porn site!
Find something to occupy your time with, get out the house
Get a girlfriend.
why stop watching??? everyone does secretly

jus dont pay for it...thats dumb.
maybe ur under per presure? try talking to friends more often abot ths prob. or just try to avoid the internet!!!
turn off your computer and walk away
give your heart to god.
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