Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What would be helpful for the stomach flu?name of medicine in the drug store?pls advise?

This early morning my husband started to vomit ,dry cough,and diarrihea, and then accompanying with fever(99.6F) and headache, I guess it is a stomach flu from his father who visited us this Tuesday,and his father has the same symphtomsWhat would be helpful for the stomach flu?name of medicine in the drug store?pls advise?
I would advise against any medicine. The stomach flu needs to run it's course and if he took anything he would just make it last longer.

Plenty of water. Crackers, Chicken noodle soup ( in small doses) and maybe some Gatorade (try to go for the clear kind). Other than that just let him be. Just try to make him as comfortable as he can be, but no meds. In a day or two you can start him up on plain rice, Jello, or any other not over seasoned foods that he thinks he can hold in. Good Luck.What would be helpful for the stomach flu?name of medicine in the drug store?pls advise?
sounds like a virus. make sure he is drinking lots of water and if he can eat, then eat the foods that spell BRAT-BANANAS, RICE, APPLESAUCE, TOAST. avoid milk and fats. pepto bismol or kaopectate, adults may use parepectolin or parelixir WILL HELP THE DIARRIHEA AND VOMITING! ibprophen and tyonel will help the fever.

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