Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any moms out there can give advise?

what are some things that a 3yr. old should know and be doing at that age.Any moms out there can give advise?
Uses more than 50 single words, with the vocabulary increasing at a rate that is hard to follow. Vocabulary will usually increase to several hundred years by age 4.

Uses sentences with 5 or more words

Starts to use present tense of words by adding “s” (she runs, etc.)

Uses pronouns

Understand concepts such as less and more, small and big, etc.

Begins to understand cause and effect, such as, “If you push the cup off of the table, it will spill on the floor”.

Most words and sentence are understood by others

Comprehends most other speech

Can describe how objects are used

Socializes with others well

Develops friendships independent of you, such as new friends at preschool

Socializes with other well

Enjoys playing with other children

Expresses a wide range of emotions

Uses a pedal tricycle

Likes pretend playing

May hold a pen, pencil or crayon the correct way

Likes to draw and paint simple shapes and model shapes with play dough

Alternate his or her feet when walking up and down the stairs

Walks backwards and sideways

Can balance on each foot for a second or two

Can carry and maneuver larger heavier objects and toys

Likes to climb obstacles and climbing frames

Like to dress and undress self

Uses a spoon and fork

Brushes his or her own teeth without help

May master toilet training

Uses an adult toilet without training seat

Boys start to stand at toilet instead of sit

May stay dry most nights

Any moms out there can give advise?
They should know if they are a boy or girl, their full name, maybe their address and maybe their telephone number, maybe recognize their own name in print.

They should be able to tell you if someones face is happy, sad, mad, etc. They should be able to hop, jump, run, walk backwards, throw a ball and catch a ball.

They should be able to carry on a simple conversation.

They should be able to grab a snack (handful of grapes, a few crackers from a box on a low shelf) and a drink (sippy cup or something of that nature) from the refrigerator.

They should be able to name members of the family. Mommy is Sara, Daddy is Sam, my baby brother is Henry. I have a grandma Mary and a grandpa Edward, My aunt is named Chris and my uncle is named Tom....etc

They should know alphabet, recognize most letters, know numbers, and count at least to 10.
well my 4 year old learned his abc's and his counting to 20 at 3 but he still hasnt mastered the whole potty training thing but he is 4.

All children are different and all are fine just the way they are,

my 4 year old has a very intelligent speaking ability as well so that is good for us because he is able to comunicate.
gosh like what do you mean??

they should be toilet trained

learn to have manners

know a couple of colours and count numbers

drawing playing

maybe nursery
What things are off limits in the house but by your age, you should know how to spell words like advice
don't classify your child. every child develops and learns at their rate.
Did you just inherit a toddler?

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