I have tried walking, sex, castor oil, Red respberry leaf tea. This is my second and I just want to meet him. I am not sleeping at all. I really dont want to get induced. Anyone have any advise for me????AI am 39 weeks pregnant and 3 cm dilated and 100% efaced I have tried everything to put me into labor. Advise?
Play with your nipples if youre ready to go into labor this will do it, or else try black kohosh tea, but be warned, its disgusting.I am 39 weeks pregnant and 3 cm dilated and 100% efaced I have tried everything to put me into labor. Advise?
Don't do anything. Your baby is not ready to meet you yet. Think about it, how would you like to be dragged out of a nice warm womb with drugs and toxic substances. You don't have to be induced, ever. Just relax, wait, eat and pamper yourself at this time. Most healthy babies are born 10 days after an estimated due date. Having two children increases the workload exponentially. You will have 18 years to gaze upon the face of your child, make sure you have given your baby all the ';womb time'; possible. It is highly likely that this could be your last pregnancy, enjoy it and the excitement and anticipation of birth. Waiting until your labor starts naturally will give you a better result both for you and baby. Best wishes, G
I have heard that sex can bring labour on... But if you've tried everything already there's a good chance that there is a reason he's not quite ready yet. Try to relax and get some much needed sleep and let the little guy come in his own time. It is probably safer that way...
i know you dont want to hear this, but youre just gonna hafta wait, he will come when he is ready. keep trying those things, and concentrate on making sure you have everything ready for the hospital and bringing the new little one home. sounds like you'll be in labor very soon. best of luck to you.
Spicy hot Vindaloo curry and a drive over some speed bumps ...Or phone the midwife and beg her to give you a sweep ..(internal) that will definitely start you off ...
Wait until he is ready to come out.Being induced is hell and most of the other ideas don't work. He will come when he is ready.
i feel your pain. i've tried walking and sex and it aint working. im sick of ppl saying babies come when they want lol.
i want my lil man out too!!
pineapple, avoid spicy food since you did the casor oil things and many squats. many many squats
Im asking the same question right now but im not dialated.. i wish you the best and if something works for you let me know... ughhhh i feel your pain!!!
Take a warm shower, and let the water hit your back, while you do squats. Try spicy foods, and pineapple too!
Please be careful. I would advise you ask your doctor/ mid wife. Good luck and congratulations!
Don't try so hard... it will happen when the it is the time to happen.
Most likely within a week anyway.
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