Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Want to get pregnant in 2 years time, I would like to prepare my body for it, can you advise how?

I am 26 years old now.Want to get pregnant in 2 years time, I would like to prepare my body for it, can you advise how?
It is never too early to begin taking Prenatal Vitamins. They have the daily recommended amount of Folic Acid in them, which is VERY important. Folic acid reduces certain birth defects, and our bodies do not store it so taking it daily is necessary. It is recommended that ALL females of child-bearing age, whether TTC or not, take it ';just in case';.

If you are under- or over- weight, try to get to your ideal weight now. Either of those issues could make conception more difficult, and poses risks during pregnancy.

Begin eating healthy, if you do not already. This does not mean that you have to cut out all sodas and snacks, just try to limit them. It will help you to already be in the habit of eating well when you become pregnant.

If you use drugs or drink heavily, stop now. Since you are of age, the occasional drink is acceptable but you want to quit now if you have serious issues with addiction (this also includes cigarettes).

I wish you the best of luck!Want to get pregnant in 2 years time, I would like to prepare my body for it, can you advise how?
Get fit. Really really fit!! Especially in the legs and thighs as that is what you'll need in labour. Eat well, sleep lots. Enjoy your life to the full whatever you do. Enjoy all your late mornings.

Make special time to spend with your partner so you'll have good memories to look back on when your both exhausted from lack of sleep and griping at each other over who should change the baby!!
Get yourself in as good of shape as you can. Take a multi-viatamin that includes folic acid-this helps to prevent many birth defects, eat well, drink sensibly(until you are actually trying to conceive-then no alcohol) dont use drugs and see your doctor for your annual check ups.
Some recommend that you take prenatal vitamins for folic acid. I would talk to a doctor and ask them what to do. I used various message boards for info. You can talk to other women in the same boat as you.
About 6 months before you want to start trying you should start taking pre-natal vitamins. Maybe doing lots of exercise now, to tighten up your pelvic muscles do lots of kegal exercises.

Other than that.... I wouldn't do anything different until you are ready to try. By the way if you are on the pill or shot, or patch now, you could go off of it and use other means of protection. I have heard stories about how it takes some women a really long time to get pregnant after the pill, shot, patch.

Good luck!
1-Exercise regularly to get your perfect weight

2-Eat healthy food

3-Stop drinking and smoking

4-Have health checks(bloos tests)

5-Enjoy life before your baby becomes your whole life!! :)
make sure ur healthy dont drink to much if u smoke either cut down or quit
No smoking, no drinking, folic acid is good for ttc, start taking prenatal vitamins now!! There's many brands over the counter. Or you can ask your OB what he/she recommends.
Do you have a navel piercing? If so take that out so it can heal. Just a thought if it is relevant to you.

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