Thursday, July 29, 2010

Would you take pregnancy advise from some one who is 31 weeks pregnant but is only 14 years old?

just wondering......i mean they have already been through most of their pregnancy so would you take their adviseWould you take pregnancy advise from some one who is 31 weeks pregnant but is only 14 years old?
Well first off I think it needs to be said that a planned pregnancy at 14 is the farthest thing from a smart idea. That being said, she will know more information about a pregnancy than someone who is a first time mother. I suppose there really is no such thing as a person who makes rational decisions 100% of the time, and taking advice from a 14 year old who planned her pregnancy, however stupid THAT might be, is the same thing as taking advice from a 30 year old who experienced an unwanted pregnancy because she didn't use protection.Would you take pregnancy advise from some one who is 31 weeks pregnant but is only 14 years old?
Depends on how well the girl knew her stuff. You can be late in pregnancy and still be ignorant about a lot of the things about pregnancy and having babies or you can educate yourself with books, internet, doctor's advice, advice from other pregnancy related educated pregnant women. I try to learn about pregnancy on my own. I did my own research and read as much as I could about my pregnancy. There were so many grown people giving me bad advice and having me worrying about unnecessary things. I'm glad I took the time to look up the things I heard to make sure they were telling me things that were true.
Definitely depends. I got pregnant at 14 and am pregnant now at 24, and I'm taking my own advice in a lot of areas. I knew quite a lot. I had a good doctor, read up on all I could, had other people to talk to about being pregnant. So yeah, some 14 year olds can be very informative. If her pregnancy was planned, I certainly hope she's done her homework. If so, she's probably just as reliable as someone twice her age.
While I may not agree with pregnancy at that age, anyone who has been through a pregnancy has some insight to offer. If I am wondering about something and she happened to experience it as well and can tell me what to do in a helpful way, I don't think that her age should have an affect on how I take the advice. Any help is better than no help.
No.. I wouldn't take their ';advise';.

Just because someone gets pregnant, despite their age, doesn't make them an expert on the subject of pregnancy.

I would however, take into consideration their experiences and compare it with mine. Just because she's 14, doesn't make her any less pregnant, so I'm sure I could learn some things from her, etc.

But I'll leave the medical advice up to the professionals.. my doctor. :)
yes of course...i was 19 when i was pregnant with my first and i wouldnt consider myself any less knowledgable than a 30+ first time matter what age, a first time pregnancy is a learning curve and nobody knows what its like until it does, if a 14 year old had problems or concerns at 22weeks pregnant like i am now but worked through them i would happily heed advice off her as at the end of the day we are all in the same situation :)
About pregnancy? Yes, i would. Your pregnant too and are going through the same things as me so i'd take advice from you.

I'm 18 and i know tons about pregnancy just through general research etc, lots of women on here take my advice, if they knew my age they probably wouldn't though.

Most people think that the younger the are the less you know about things, that's not true though.
honestly a pregnancy is a pregnancy and a mother is a mother no matter what the age yes she might now have all the right answers but she sure has been through most of it im only 18 and im not the smartest cookie out there but that doesnt mean i dont know whats happend with my body through out most of my pregnancy and i look at pregnancy stuff all the time and i learn more and more each day, i dont think it should matter if shes 14 or not i mean yes she still has a lot to learn just like the rest of us a woman 28 years old could just know as less as a 14 year old does if she has never been pregnant . i do believe as we get older we learn more but some people learn more about one thing then another person would so i would say her advice on pregnancy wouldnt hurt but also keep in mind she is young and still has tons to learn but also keep this in mind some people over 30 still dont know alot as well and can be just as immature as a 14 year old.. hope i explained good.. thanks
I would listen to their experiences, however, if i needed any advice, i would research it myself and come to my own conclusions.

whether she had real life experience with it or not, a 14 year old does not have the capability to reasonably weigh up evidence and come to a sensible conclusion. particularly in this scenario where she got pregnant on purpose at 14.
Course! Just because she is 14 doesnt mean she knows any less than a 41 yr old that is 31 weeks pregnant for the first time. Im 19 and am 19 weeks pregnant with my second and people still give me the 'what do you now about pregnancy and parenting' looks if i give advice when its asked for, its annoying
depends on what it is about preg probably about life probably not but i don't feel age has anything to do with preg ive known 15 year old moms and 30 year old moms and the 15 year old has more mother instincts than the 30 year old as far as life experience the 14 year old has a lot of living to do
No, just because some girl gets pregnant doesn't mean she automatically becomes any kind of authority on the issue... not anywhere near it, as a matter of fact. A person can't interpret what's going on inside of them, and I just don't trust some grapevine ';Well, my doctor told me....';.

Stick to nurses, doctors, and credible published articles!
It depends on what my question was. On here we don't know how old anyone is unless we make our age known. There is nothing to say that a 28 year old on their first pregnancy knows more than a 14 year old on her first pregnancy. I was 16 when I had my first and I knew more than half of my lamaze class because I did a lot of research.
i would seeing that i was 15 and pregnant and made my self very educated at that time ( several years ago) about pregnancy child birth and taking care of a baby. just because someone is young doesnt mean they are stupid. there is always someone that know things that you dont know and you knwo things that others dont know. take advice from everyone that wants to give it and it is your choice to use thei advice they gave you
depends because many girsl at that age are so naiive and gulable its ridiculous. I would maybe listen to her If i asee her child is fine after a couple years. but other then that no. I mean most girls at tht age don't want to be really informed they just do what they want. I honestly was VERY different at 14.
Yes of course. They have had a life experience and they can share that information. Just as if a 14 year old bull rider gave me advise about bull riding. They have gone through the experience so they can tell about it.
Yes i would. Why not. Even though she is only 14 doesn't mean she doesn't know what she is talking about. I mean she is going and has been through what every other pregnant women has if not more because of her age.
I think so, if its something like this is what i did for this situation. Why not, they are going through it too and just because they are young doesn't mean you have to treat them like they are less than human.
You might be surprised of how much she might know. Personally I wouldn't. If you do, consult your doctor and find out for yourself if the 14 year old is correct! You never know, it depends on each person I guess.
Probably would, just because she's 14 doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about pregnancy esp if she's 31wks. If she was trying to tell me something that contradicted what other poeple had said then i would ask my midwife.
Neither age nor how many weeks you are into a pregnancy are factors in how knowledgeable you are about pregnancy. I think Yahoo Answers has plenty of examples of this.
I would indeed take the same consideration for a 14yr old's advice as I would a 40 yr olds advice.... The things we go through determine our experience and knowledge in life... not age...
Yeah. People probably won't take the advice because of her age. But she is going through a pregnancy, just like every other pregnant women.
sure. Even people my age and older go through similar and different things during pregnancy so it's not like anyone one woman is unable to give her advise/opinion.
Planned at 14? I wasn't interested in boys at that time. But I guess I would take advice from her ...
Yeah, I would. She may be young but she knows from experience. Age isn't anything, Just a number, experience is what matters.
dpends- if the person was responsible and taking care of themselves during the pregnancy I would. I mean they are still pregnant so they still know more about it than I do at ten weeks
Depends on what it is about but I'd really not find someone that plans pregnancies at 14 very credible.
No. I may ask some of their experiences but not advice. At 14 they ';planned'; their pregnancy? No I don't think I'd get my advice there.
Yes i would

it doesnt matter what her age is!!

as for being plan i dont think it matters if it was or not, she is still going though a pregnancy!
I would take advise from you... Well, I'm 15 and 15 weeks pregnant, so yeah even though I'm older your more experienced.

Since we will both be teen moms and I have no one to really talk about my pregnancy with, except with one other teen mom. If you want you can email me and we can reminisce about our pregnancies and whatever else lol

My email is:

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